June 2023

I’m not perfect, and that’s okay

I am a perfectionist. For most of my life, I thought that was a good thing. However, I now see how much it has negatively impacted my life. In this post, I explore my understanding one aspect of that—I believe that the combination of my perfectionistic tendencies plus my capacity to dissociate to a high degree is a main cause of my difficulties in the present. Growing up, I strived to be the “perfect child”—I made good grades, never got into trouble, and was always submissive, smiling, and pleasant to be around.

academia amnesia DID narrative perfectionism symptoms

6 minutes

March 2023

Fluctuating intelligence

I have always been nerdy. From a young age, I immersed myself in academic work, as I enjoyed learning and the strict routine that school provided for me. I also had an intense need to perform well—my perfectionistic tendencies dominated my life as a child. While I often did perform well academically, there were times where I performed markedly poorly on assessments, so far outside the norm of what would have ordinarily be expected of me, despite preparing and knowing the material.

academia DID narrative perfectionism symptoms

4 minutes